All room dividers have maintenance free clear anodized frames and tracks.
Our most economical temporary wall system
Panel thickness 1 1/4″ Maximum panel width 4′ 2″ Maximum panel height 14′
Panel makeup:
Acoustical fabric faces laminated to 3/8″ sheet rock placed back to back in our frame.
Special facings, built in doors, glass inserts and marker boards.
Click here to view a list of our fabric color choices.

- View modular wall installation information.
- For more information about our modular walls click here.

FP-1500 Modular Wall
Panel thickness 1 1/4″ Maximum panel width 4′ 2″ Maximum panel height 14′
Panel makeup:
Both acoustical fabric faces are laminated to sheets of 24 gauge galvanized steel with a 3/4″ honeycomb core.
Special facings, built in doors, glass inserts and marker boards.
Click here to view a list of our fabric color choices.

FP-2500 Modular Wall
A modular wall that is flexible in thickness
Panel 2 3/4″ Maximum panel width 4′ 2″ Maximum panel height 14′
Panel makeup:
Both acoustical fabric faces are laminated to sheets of 24 gauge galvanized steel with a 3/4″ honeycomb core.
Special facings, built in doors, glass inserts and marker boards.